The Power of a Winning Data Strategy
Implementing a robust and scalable data strategy and model takes commitment, courage and capability. However, get this right, and the results can turn a siloed and disconnected organisation into an integrated, connected benchmark-setter.

Generating ROI from the Cloud
Innovation, agility, and scalability is the hardest business case to make; However, by implementing a coherent cloud strategy across core operations, your company can change the ROI dynamics now and into the future.

Navigating ESG Data Collection in Private Markets
The current EDCI metrics often fail to meet the requirements of today's GPs; however, "Don't wait for the perfect data set, just get started."

To Gen AI Or Not To Gen AI, That Is The Question
Companies that prioritise a core operations transformation in 2024 will have a compelling opportunity to achieve the extraordinary.

Generating Value Creation
Increasingly, the question we are posing to Investors, managers and advisors is “What are you waiting for?”

How to Play in a Trillion-Dollar Economy
In the next 10-20 years the ecosystem economy could drive $70-80 trillion of revenue. Surely, it’s worth conquering.

Featured authors

Chris Dunne
CEO & Founding Partner

Maria Monton
Chief Data Officer